Environmental Health
All research activities are conducted through the Center for Health Policy and Public Health. More information on doctoral studies can be found here.
CESAR (1994-2000)
Central European Study on Air Pollution and Respiratory Health – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K. (Dr. Tony Fletcher). Cross-sectional study of respiratory symptoms, including asthma, and lung function in 7-11 years old related to current and (estimated) chronic exposure to particulate and gaseous contaminants, in 25 communities in Bulgaria, Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
Epidemiological Study of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Indoor and Outdoor Pollution and Children’s Respiratory Diseases in Central and Eastern Europe (Danny Houthuils) (1998-2000)
The goal of the study was to use unique methodologies across Europe in order to get comparable databases and to evaluate the situation of chronic respiratory diseases in children from Central Europe.
Arsenic Challenge and Treatment by DMPS – University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A. (Professor Vasken H. Aposhian) (1999-2000)
Detoxification of metals: in vitro and in vivo studies. The goal of this study was to evaluate the arsenic biotransformation in humans exposed to different levels of this toxic via drinking water, before and after DMPS (2,3- dimercaptopropane-1- sulfonic acid) administration.
ASHRAM (2002-2005) Arsenic Health Risk Assessment and Molecular Epidemiology – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K. (Dr. Tony Fletcher)
The goal of this study was to evaluate the gene-environment interactions in the assessment of cancer risk from arsenic intake in three European populations from Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. Assessment of the effect of inter-individual variation in arsenic metabolism and DNA repair on the carcinogenic risk of arsenic
Lead Poisoning in Children and Workers – Fowler Associates, U.S.A. (Douglas Fowler, MD; Simona Surdu, MD, PhD) (2001-2006)
Lead in soil and dust distribution. Social marketing Copsa Mica area. The goal of the study was to estimate the exposure of very young children to lead via soil and dust as major pathways in Copsa Mica nonferrous metallurgical area.
Environmental Health Risk Assessment of Radon and Progeny – Fowler Associates, U.S.A (Douglas Fowler, MD; Simona Surdu, MD, PhD) (2001-2006)
Risk assessment of Radon and progeny in ‘Avram Iancu’ Uranium Mines Area (Stei, Bihor County). The goal of this study was to evaluate the exposure to Radon and progeny of the general population from hazardous dump site (mining tiles) and mining tiles used as building materials in the area.
Radon Exposure and Health Effects in a Uranium Mining Area – Fowler Associates, Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Babes Bolyai University (Prof. Costantin Cosma) (2002-2008)
Cancer Risks of the Population from a Uranium Mining Area – Fowler Associates, Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Babes Bolyai University (Prof. Constantin Cosma) (2004-2006)
Lead Exposure and Blood Lead Level in Children – SUNY, University at Albany (Prof. David Carpenter, Simona Surdu MD, PhD) (2003-2006)
The goal of this study was to make a comparison of blood lead level in children exposed to lead via soil and dust
Training in Environmental Health – SUNY, University at Albany, USA (Professor David Carpenter) (2001-2009)
Comparison of Environmental Lead Exposure and Social Factors to Blood Levels in Children 4-6 Years Old – SUNY, University at Albany, USA (Prof. David Carpenter; Simona Surdu, MD, PhD) (2003-2007 & 2008-2016)
The goal of this study was to investigate the relation between environmental lead exposure and social factors and the increased blood lead levels in children 4-6 years old
Health at the Crossroads – EHC, Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Babes Bolyai University (2008-2010)
Skin and Breast Cancer in Transylvania – EHC, Yale University (Prof. Kathleen McCarty) (2009-2013)
Pesticides in Rural Areas and Health Related Outcomes – EHC (2008-2016)
Isocyanates and Bronchial Asthma – EHC, Yale University (Prof. Carrie Redlich) (2009-2015)
COPHES (2009-2012)
European Coordination Action on Human Biomonitoring – Consortium to Perform Human Biomonitoring on a European Scale – FP7, (Reinhard Joas)
The main objective of this project was to set up a European-wide human biomonitoring framework in 27 EU countries. http://www.eu-hbm.info/cophes
DEMOCOPHES (2010-2012)
Demonstration of a study to coordinate and perform human biomonitoring on a European scale – EU, Life (Reinhard Joas). The main objective of this project was to demonstrate the feasibility of an EU harmonized approach to Human Biomonitoring (HBM) by implementing a Pilot Study in 16 EU Member States (MS) and sharing the expertise with 5 additional countries. http://www.eu-hbm.info/democophes
SINPHONIE (2010-2012) Schools Indoor Pollution and Health: Observatory Network in Europe under the coordination of the REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe
This project was designed to monitor and sample the air at workplaces for TDI, assess respiratory health among participants and the presence of TDI antibodies among workers in the factory. http://www.sinphonie.eu/
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in swine farm workers from Transylvania (Prof. Peter Rabinowitz, Yale Medical School, Prof. Marina Spinu, USAMV) (2012 – 2016)
Arsenic exposure and spontaneous pregnancy loss – EHC, SUNY University at Albany (Prof. Michael Bloom) (2011-2013 & 2013-2017)
National Projects
CONTAS (2004-2006)
Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Western Romania: environmental mechanisms, impact upon human health – CERES Program
REMONMED (2005-2007)
Reduction and monitoring of environmental pollution generated by dust and gases generated by lead smelting processes. (CEEX – Project 58/2). http://www.cnmp.ro/ceex/comp1/oferta.php?id=361
MESAR (2007-2013)
Complex program of environmental safety and quality assurance in rural areas polluted with pesticides and heavy metals, impacting the quality of life. http://mesar.ehc.ro/en
SCANLEAD (2008-2010)
Risk assessment program and social marketing in the largest Romanian battery plant, relating to occupational lead and SO2 exposure. http://scanlead.ehc.ro/en
AQUATHM (2008-2010)
Drinking water quality, THM and cancers in areas of Transilvanya, Romania. Complex program for assuring water quality and consumers` security related to THM exposure from drinking water. http://aquathm.ehc.ro/en
CervicallArsenArray (2012-2016)
Analysis of microRNA biomarkers as predictive values for cervical cancer treatment, in relationship with environmental exposure to arsenic, phthalates and ETS. http://www.iocn.ro/en/Research/The-projects-web-pages/Cervicallarsenarray.html
DeltaBioRox (2012-2016)
Development of a paradigm for assessment of heavy metal and microbial pollution in wild birds and fish and its implementation for conservation of biodiversity in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve – The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of two risks that may endanger local biodiversity of the Danube Delta and the social and economical future of its residents. http://deltabiotox2012.bravesites.com/
CANCERTER (2014-2017)
Breast cancer targeted therapy and pro/anticarcinogenic effect modulation of environmental chemical agents. Advanced biomarkers analysis as prediction indicators in breast cancer treatment in relation to arsenic, phthalates and cotinine exposure. http://www.granturi.umfcluj.ro/cancerter/index.php/home/results