Health Policy and Management
All research activities are conducted through the Center for Health Policy and Public Health. More information on doctoral studies can be found here.
The Health Policy and Management Unit (HPM) is intended to identify and tackle issues related to health policies and different health management aspects, both at a national and international level. The activities of the unit cover a broad area of topics, such as policy assessment, policy proposals, health systems indicators and their management, methods of improving health professionals performance.
TO-REACH is a coordination and support action (CSA) funded by HORIZON2020 to prepare a joint European research programme aimed at producing research evidence supporting health care services and systems to become more resilient, effective, equitable, accessible, sustainable and comprehensive (in Europe, and abroad).
The overall aim of the proposed TO-REACH project is to do the groundwork for establishing a joint European research programme on health services and systems (e.g. through an ERA-NET or other means) that contributes to the resilience, effectiveness, equity, accessibility, sustainability and comprehensiveness of health services and systems.
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Quality Management
aDMIRE – Development of a novel Quality Management System for Use in Dental Practice 2012-2016
The project aims at developing and pilot-testing a Quality Management System (QMS) to be used in dental practices in Romania, adjusted to the particularities of the Romanian medical system, enhancing patient care and increasing effectiveness of dental care across the country.
The system that we propose to develop is an innovative instrument to be applied in the dental practices in Romania due tot the fact that it fills a gap in the quality management of the dental practices in Romania. Moreover, the customization according to the specific activities which take place in a dental practice ensures its originality.
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Health Workforce Management
The Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting (2013-2016)The Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting (2013-2016) received funding from the Health Programme of the European Union. The general objective of this action is a platform for collaboration and exchange between MSs to prepare the future of the HWF. The Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca is an associated partner in the Joint Action, representing Romania.
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Assessment of health professionals’ working preferences using Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs): A pilot study in Cluj County, Romania (ASCEND)Romania is currently facing multiple challenges in managing its health workforce, which is directly impacting the quality and effectiveness of the care provided for patients suffering from both communicable and non-communicable diseases. According to official Governmental documents, significant disparities exist between health professionals’ distribution among different specialties, between acute and chronic conditions, as well as with regards to their geographic distribution (differences between urban and rural areas, and across different regions in the country).Read more
Health Economics
DEDICATE – The Impact Of Depression On Diabetes Patients: Prevalence And Costs 2008-2009The main interest of the authors of this study regards the impact of depression on the chronic ill patients. The objectives of this proposal are focusing on two Eastern European countries – Romania and Slovakia.Read More
Capacity Building
GEOHEALTH – One Health Center for Environmental and Occupational Research – Romania (2012 – 2015)The University of Florida Department of Environmental and Global Health, College of Public Health and HealthProfessions is collaborating with Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and created a One Health Center for Environmental and Occupational Research GEOHealth Hub at Babeş-Bolyai University. The GEOHealth Hub is capitalizing on pre-existing research collaborations in partnering with 11 other academic centers and 16 public healthinstitutions in 7 other Eastern European and Central Asian LMICs. Read More
ZIS – Identifying risk factors for zoonotic influenza transmission 2008-2011This is a controlled, 3-yr prospective cohort study of 350 adults living in H5N1- endemic regions of Romania for evidence of zoonotic influenza virus infections. Serial sera and swab specimens from participants who develop influenza-like illnesses will be evaluated for evidence of infection with zoonotic influenza viruses. Participants’ animals with possible influenza virus infections will also be studied. We propose research projects with four primary aims:Read More
SENTINEL BIRDS – Avian Influenza Virus Suirveillance among birds in the Danube Delta 2010-2012Sick and dead birds have frequently been the first indication of the introduction / reoccurrence of HPAI influenza viruses. We will extend the network of veterinarians already working in the Danube Delta region and collect information on their observation on sick and dead birds. In case of an unusual morbidity or mortality, we will collect cloacal and tracheal samples, store them at -800C, screen the samples for influenza A viruses using rt-PCR and share the positive samples with the UI Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases. Captive sentinel bird surveillance will consist of placing of sentinel duck flocks in wetland environments where they are potentially exposed to and infected with influenza viruses as they mingle with wild birds.Read More
NEUROPROTER – Interdisciplinary research development of neuro-protection pharmaceutical treatment for neural ischemia 2007-2009This project developed to develop a new drug containing memantine for intravenous (iv) administration, compared memantine’s pharmacokinetics in iv form with the one in the oral form, and evaluated the iv administered memantine’s neuroprotective effect in global cerebral ischemia following cardiac arrest. The project’s plan was structured in 4 stages, during 36 months. The first stage has followed an in-depth study of neuronal injury mechanisms in cerebral ischemia and NMDA receptor antagonists, especially memantine. The second stage has followed the conception of memantine IV serum, which will correspond to the criteria of the Romanian Pharmacopoeia 10th edition.Read More
INFORAD – Informatical system for identifying and characterizing adverse reactions detected through intensive screening 2008-2011The overall aim of the project is to promote rational use of drugs and to reduce adverse drug reaction. The project aims to develop an IT system that can be used to identify and characterize adverse reaction to drugs detected after intensive inpatient monitoring. The IT system will be developed upon the patient’s medical records that had one or more adverse drug reactions and on with the basis of an electronic catalog with side effects described in the literature.Read More
Health Policy
Strengthening public health research capacity to inform evidence based policies in Tunisia (CONFIDE) Project CONFIDE is a capacity building project financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus + Program aiming to strengthen public health research capacity and contribute to evidence based policies in Tunisia. CONFIDE is part of the European Commission ‘Cooperation’ program that aims to enhance transnational partnerships and build capacity in key development domains. The capacity building efforts will materialize in the Center for Evidence into Health Policy, established in Tunisia. The Center will have three headquarters, one in each Tunisian Partner University. The headquarters will be based in the University of Sfax, and will act as head office of the C4EHP.
Managing Frailty. A comprehensive approach to promote a disability-free advanced age in Europe: the ADVANTAGE initiative ADVANTAGE is the first Joint Action (JA) on the prevention of frailty. It involves 22 Member States (MS) and over 35 organizations and it is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the MS. ADVANTAGE will build a common understanding on frailty for MS on which to base a common management approach of older people who are frail or at risk for developing frailty in the EU. The identification of the core components of frailty and its management should promote the needed changes in the organization and their implementation in the Health and Social Systems to provide those models of care that, stemming from the particular health profile of each MS, will allow them to face the challenge of frailty within a common framework. Read More
IDPP – Public Policy Initiative and Design 2007-2009This project developed to develop a new drug containing memantine for intravenous (iv) administration, compared memantine’s pharmacokinetics in iv form with the one in the oral form, and evaluated the iv administered memantine’s neuroprotective effect in global cerebral ischemia following cardiac arrest. The project’s plan was structured in 4 stages, during 36 months. The first stage has followed an in-depth study of neuronal injury mechanisms in cerebral ischemia and NMDA receptor antagonists, especially memantine. The second stage has followed the conception of memantine IV serum, which will correspond to the criteria of the Romanian Pharmacopoeia 10th edition.Read More
RAPID – Risk Assessment from Policy to Impact Dimension 2009-2012RAPID grew-out from a previous project “health impact assessment in new member states and accession countries” (HIA NMAC). HIA NMAC identified a lack of risk assessment methods for conducting policy health impact assessments across areas of broad determinants of health.Read More
Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity (JANPA)Project description: In all EU Member states (MS), the high level of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is of particular concern. In the EU, around 1 in 3 children 6-9 years old were overweight or obese in 2010, a sharp rise in prevalenceRead More
Joint Action to support the eHealth Network (“JAseHN”)Project description: The overall ambition from MS is to better include eHealth into health policy and better align eHealth investments to health needs. A central aspect is the transferability of health data across
borders of MS and therefore the organizational, technical, semantic and legal interoperability of eHealth. Read More
Research into Policy to Enhance Physical Activity – REPOPA The basic concept of the project is to integrate scientific research knowledge (=evidence), expert know-how and the real world policy making processes to increase synergy and sustainability in promoting health and preventing disease among Europeans. REPOPA consortium will take up this challenge and will bring together scientific researchers from different disciplines and expertise, policy makers as well as stakeholders, including citizens, whom the policies concern. Read More
Research into Policy to Enhance Physical Activity (REPOPA) – Utilizarea dovezilor în procesul de dezvoltare a politicilor de promovare a activității fizice REPOPA ( este un proiect de cercetare European desfășurat în perioada 2011 -2016, finanțat prin Programul Cadru 7 (PC7). Șase țări europene, Danemarca – coordonatorul proiectului, Finlanda, Italia, Marea Britanie, Olanda și România, precum și Canada sunt partenere în acest proiect de cercetare. România este reprezentată în proiect de către Centrul de Sănătate Publică și Politici de Sănătate (, din cadrul Universității Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, România. Read More
Do it yourself! A participative approach to increase participation and engagement of high school students in physical education and sport classes – DIYPES DIYPES project proposes a participative approach to physical education and sport (PES) classes’ development and employment, focused on high-school students’ expressed needs and interests. The educational objectives included in the PES classes curriculum and the overall (school) setting characteristics will be accounted for, but the PES classes will be delivered through activities that will increase the level of acceptance and enjoyment of the target group. The final goal of the project is to reach an optimal balance between effectiveness and enjoyable, positive and engaging experiences for high-school students during PES classes. Read More
Medical Education
GOODr – Good doctor 2010Medicine is a field in which people are dealing with people, that is why preoccupations regarding the best solution to having competent professionals are justified more than in other fields of activity. The tendency we are seeing nowadays is to push medicine to the frontiers of more and more sophisticated technology. Undoubtedly, there are huge benefits for the patients, but the danger is to let aside the non-technical skills a doctor needs in order to cope with illness.
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Health Information Systems
ECHIM – European Community Health Indicator Monitoring System 2009-2011ECHIM Joint Action (2009−2011) seeks to consolidate the ECHI Indicator system towards a sustainable health information system, as well as to collect and disseminate comparable health data and information based on the ECHI shortlist. Much of the practical work of ECHIM is carried out in ECHIM Secretariats in Finland (THL), the Netherlands (RIVM), Lithuania (LSIC), Germany (RKI) and Italy (ISS). The Core Group of ECHIM comprises of 35 members and the action has liaison with the European Commission, Eurostat, Member States and WHO Regional Office for Europe. The Joint Action covers 24 MSs as well as Iceland, Norway and Republic of Moldova, and it has contact persons in 32 countries.
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Informal Payments
DRS in MNG – Enhancing the role of medicine in the management of European Health Systems 2009-2013The main objective of this COST Action is to increase empirical, theoretical and policy relevant knowledge about the changing role of medical professionals in the management of healthcare.Read more
- Riitta-Maija Hämäläinen, Arja R. Aro, Ien van de Goor, Cathrine Juel Lau, Mette Winge Jakobsen, Razvan M. Chereches, Ahmed M Syed and On behalf of the REPOPA Consortium. 2015. Exploring the use of research evidence in health-enhancing physical activity policies. Health Research Policy and Systems 2015, 13:43. [First published online October 13, 2015]. Link to the article.
- Arja R. Aro, Maja Bertram, Riitta-Maija Hämäläinen, Ien Van De Goor,Thomas Skovgaard, Adriana Valente, Tommaso Castellani, Razvan Chereches and Nancy Edward on behalf of the REPOPA Consortium. Integrating research evidence and physical activity policy making – REPOPA project. Health Promotion International [First published online: February 10, 2015]. Link to the article.
- Petru Sandu, Diana Rus, Răzvan M. Cherecheș, Cătălina Brînză, Cătălin Baba, Cathrine Juel Lau, Ien van de Goor. Jul 2015. A systems’ analysis of health enhancing physical activity policy making at local level in Romania. Elsevier Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences published by: Medimond International Proceedings, ISBN 978-88-7587-718-7, pg. 77-83.
- CJ Lau, C Glümer, HPEM Spitters, P Sandu, D Rus, L Eklund Karlsson, LAM van de Goor. 2015.Impact of policy game on insight and attitude to inter sectoral policy processes – EU country cases. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25, Supplement 3. [First published online 6 October 2015]. Link to the abstract.
- HPEM Spitters, CJ Lau, P Sandu, A Dorgelo, LAM van de Goor. 2015. A policy game intervention to enhance collaboration between stakeholders in local policy development. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25, Supplement 3, pg. 12 [First published online 6 October 2015]. Link to the abstract.
- P Sandu, D Rus, CJ Lau, HPEM Spitters, RM Chereches, LAM van de Goor. 2015. What is a policy game about? Insights in components of how to conduct a policy game by experience. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25, Supplement 3, pg. 13 [First published online 6 October 2015]. Link to the abstract.
- CJ Lau, C Glümer, HPEM Spitters, P Sandu, D Rus, L Eklund Karlsson, LAM van de Goor. 2015. Impact of the policy game In2action on insight and attitude towards intersectoral policy processes in real life policy making: questionnaire results from game participants in three EU country cases. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25, Supplement 3, pg. 13 [First published online 6 October 2015].Link to the abstract.
- Chereches RM¸ Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Sandu P, Baba C. 2013. The role of evidence in the development of policies that target health enhancing physical activity in Romania. European Journal of Public Health, 23 (1). [First published online: November 4, 2013].Link to the abstract.
- Spitters H, van de Goor LAM, Glumer C, Lau CJ, Sandu P. 2013. Policy game development in a local public health setting – process, lessons and reflections. European Journal of Public Health, 23 (1) [First published online: November 4, 2013]. Link to the abstract.
- Edwards N, Viehbeck S, Hämäläinen R-M, Rus D, Skovgaard T, van de Goor I, Valente A, Syed A, Aro AR. Challenges of ethical clearance in International Health Policy and Social Sciences Research: Experiences and Recommendations from Cross-Country Research Programme, Public Health Reviews, Vol.34, No.1, 2012. Link to article.
- Coman, A., Cherecheş, R.M., Ungureanu, M.I., Marton-Vasarhelyi, E.O., Valentine, M.A., Sabo-Attwood, T., Gray, G.C. (2015). An assessment of the occupational and environmental health needs in seven Southeastern European and West-Central Asian Countries. J of Epidemiol Global Health, 5(4), 375-384. Link to article.
- Ungureanu, M.I., Mocean, F. (2015). What do patients take into account when they choose their dentist? Implications for quality improvement. Patient Preference and Adherence, 2015(9), 1715-1720. Link to article.
- Ungureanu, M.I., Timofe, M.P., Cherecheș, R.M., Mocean, F. (2014). Evaluarea implicării pacienților în livrarea serviciilor de medicină dentară: Beneficiile unei abordări bazate pe managementul calității. Revista Transilvană de Științe Administrative, 1(35), 150-159
- Cherecheș, R.M., Ungureanu, M.I., Sandu, P., Rus, I.A. (2013). Defining informal payments in healthcare: A systematic review. Health Policy, 110(2), 105-114. Link to article.
- Ungureanu, M.I., Litan, C.M., Rus, I.A., Cherecheș, R.M. (2012). A brief insight into the study of informal health care payments in Romania. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 39(E), 212-219.
- Cherecheș, R.M., Ungureanu, M.I., Rus, I.A., Baba, C.O. (2011). Informal payments in the health care system – research, media and policy. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 32 (E), 5-14
- Ungureanu, M. I., Paina, L., Olsavszky, V. (2015). Health workforce management in Romania. The Lancet, 386(10009), 2139-2140. Link to article.
- Sandu, P., Bondor, C.I., Mocean, F. (2015). Exploring the infrastructure and community programs accessed by medical students when being physically active. Palestrica of the 3rd Millenium – Civilization and Sport. 16(2), 138–143
- Sandu, P., Baba, C.O., Rus, D., Bozdog, E.M. (2014) Influența factorilor de mediu la nivel comunitar asupra activității fizice la adolescenți și tineri. Revista Transilvană de Științe Administrative, 2(25), 130-140
- Stamatian, F., Baba, C.O., Timofe, M.P. (2013) Barriers in the implementation of health information systems: a scoping review. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Special Issue, 156-173
- Cherecheș, R.M., Ungureanu, M.I. (2012). The saga of the Romanian healthcare reform. The Lancet, 379, (9829):e52
- Cherecheș, R.M., Brînzaniuc, A., Ungureanu, M.I., Baba, C.O. (2011). Supporting an integrated approach for șhealth promotion and primary care in rural settings through adequate legal framework. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 34(E), 40-48
- Baba, C.O., Cherecheş, R.M., Moşteanu, O. (2007.) – The mass media influence on the impact of health policy, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 19/2007, p. 15-21
- Cherecheş, R.M., Mora, C., Cherecheş, A.I. Public health policy – Rural Inequalities analysis, International Conference „Modern governing of local communities from the perspective of the integration of Romania in the European Union”, ASE Publishing House, 421-428
- Baba, C.O., Cherecheş R.M., Moşteanu, O. (2006). Prediction over the evolution of the health system, Transilvanian Administrative Sciences Journal, 18, 11-20
- Cherecheş, R.M., Cherecheş, A.I. (2005). The evaluation of the satisfaction degree as a pacient-physician communication instrument, Transylvanian Communication Sciences Journal, 1(1), 19-26
Oral conference presentations
- Ungureanu MI, Paina L, Olsavszky V. Health workforce retention in Romania: a review of recent policies and practices. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Meeting, June 2015, Breda, Netherlands
- Sandu P, Bondor CI, Floarea M. Explorarea infrastructurii şi a programelor comunitare accesate de studenţii medicinişti pentru practicarea activităţilor fizice. A 3-a Conferinţă Naţională de Medicină aplicată la Educaţia Fizică şi Sport – Iuliu Haţieganu, May 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Zavroțchi ES, Baba CO, Cherecheș RM, Albu S. Quality management in dental care: Romanian patients’ and dental professionals’ perspectives and attitudes, 8th International Congress On Health Quality, Accreditation And Patient Safety, April 2014, Antalya, Turkey
- Ungureanu MI, Mocean F, Rus IA, Cherecheș RM. Are informal payments perceived differently by health professionals and patients? Results of qualitative study in Romania. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Meeting, June 2013, Milano, Italy
- Timofe MP, Rus D, Daniciuc E, Cherecheș RM. The role of local stakeholders in dealing with intimate partner violence. Case study: Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 11th Global Conference Violence: Probing the boundaries, May 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
- Ungureanu MI, Cherecheș RM, Rus IA, Litan CM, Baciu B. Health inequalities in the Romanian healthcare system from the perspective of informal payments. European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE), July 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
- Ungureanu MI, Cherecheş RM, Rus IA, Litan CM, Baciu B. Informal healthcare payments in Romania in the context of health system reform. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Meeting, June 2012, Bern, Switzerland
- Timofe MP, Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheș RM, Baba CO. Fall-related injuries in elderly. Evidence from a large Emergency Department in Mures County, Romania. International Conference on Trauma And Injury Prevention, September 2012, Zenica, Bosnia
- Rus IA, Ungureanu MI, Cherecheș RM. Patients’ perspective on Romanian physicians’ performance as related to informal payments. TEMPUS Project on Master Programs in Public Health and Social Services Conference, June 2012, Tbilisi, Georgia
- Timofe MP, Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheș RM. Lack of legislation on violence against people with disabilities. Case study: Romania, Public Health and Social Services: Education and Practice Conference, June 2012, Tbilisi, Georgia
- Timofe MP, Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheș RM. The role of local stakeholders in dealing with intimate partner violence. Case study: Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Summer Institute on the Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases in Romania: Identifying and mapping capacity building needs and opportunities, May 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Timofe MP, Gal M, Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO. The prevalence of intentional self-harm injuries, 12th International Congress for Medical Students and Young Health Professionals, May 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Brînzaniuc A, Baba CO, Ungureanu MI, Șirlincan EO, Cherecheș RM. Primary health care services and health promotion in rural Transylvania, Romania: perspectives for integrated approaches. Findings of the ACCES regional study in Transylvania, Romania. 3rd European Public Health Conference, November 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- CJ Lau, C Glümer, HPEM Spitters, P Sandu, D Rus, L Eklund Karlsson, LAM van de Goor. October 2015.Impact of policy game on insight and attitude to inter sectoral policy processes – EU country cases. Presented during the European Public Health Coference, Milan, October 2015. Abstracts are available at the European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25, Supplement 3.
- Rus, E Bozdog, N. Loncarevic, O. A. Koudenburg, H. Spitters, A. Dorgelo, R-M. Hamalainen, T. Catellani, A. Valente, R. M. Cherecheș, A. R. Aro. October 7, 2015. National platforms for evidence-informed physical activity policy making. Oral presentation during 11thAnnual Meeting and 6thConference of HEPA Europe. 7-9 October 2015,Istanbul, Turkey.
- Petru Sandu, Diana Rus, Răzvan M. Cherecheș, Elena M. Bozdog, Cătălin Baba. May 2015. What is the role of evidence in the development of health enhancing physical activity (HEPA) promotion policies? The REPOPA project experience. Oral Presentation at 1st International Conference on Non-communicable Diseases (ICONiC): Lessons learned from non-communicable diseases research and practice to improve population health, May 19-20, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- Sandu P., Rus D., Cherecheș R.M., Brînză C., Baba C. Oct 2014. Leadership and driving forces in local health enhancing physical activity (HEPA) policy development in Romania. Oral presentation during 9th Fédération International d’Éducation Physique (FIEP) European Congress and 7th International Scientific Congress “Sport, Stress, Adaptation”, Sofia. Link to the abstract.
- Sandu P., Rus D., Cherecheș R.M., Brînză C., Baba C. Jun 2014. A systems’ analysis of health enhancing physical activity policy making at local level in Romania. Oral presentation during the 4th International Congress of Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy (ICPESK), Bucharest. Link to conference program
- Sandu P, Rus D, Cherecheș RM, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Baba CO. Intersectoral and multilevel approaches in health enhancing physical activity policymaking in Romania. International Congress of Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy (ICPESK), 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Poster conference presentations:
- Ungureanu MI, Timofe MP, Cherecheș RM, Albu S, Mocean F. Are there any pre-requisites for high-quality delivery of dental services? A perspective from Romanian dentists. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference, June 2015, Breda, Netherlands
- Cetean A, Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Baba CO, Cherecheș RM, Albu S. Development of Quality Management manuals for use in Dental Practice, European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference, June 2015, Breda, Netherlands
- Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Bîle S, Zavroțchi ES, Baba CO, Albu S. Dentists’ perspective on patients’ contribution to quality management. Results from a national survey, European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference, June 2014, Birmingham, UK
- Ungureanu MI, Timofe MP, Fătu CC, Bocoș AM, Gabor Harosa F, Câmpian RS, Albu S, Cherecheș RM, Mocean F. What motivates people to visit their dentists more frequently? Results of a quantitative study. The 4th Scientific Symposium for Doctoral Candidates in Biomedical Sciences, November 2013, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Bîle S, Zavroțchi ES, Cherecheș RM, Baba CO, Albu S. Romanian dentists’ competence: How could it benefit from patients’ feedback? Findings from a national survey. The 4th Scientific Symposium for Doctoral Candidates in Biomedical Sciences, November 2013, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Mocean F, Ungureanu MI, Rus D, Sandu P, Rus IA, Gârbovan RPC, Cherecheș RM, Albu S. External customer satisfaction regarding the quality of dental services. 2nd Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research – Asia Pacific Region. August 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
- Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Zavroțchi ES, Rus D, Baba CO, Albu S, Amota I, Dușe I, Cherecheș RM. Patient-dentist interaction: How important are the interpersonal factors? 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, July 2013, Bordeaux, France
- Ungureanu MI, Timofe MP, Baciu B, Cherecheș RM, Mocean F, Câmpian RS. Access to quality dental care in Romania: Can patients afford it? European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference, June 2013, Milan, Italy
- Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Baciu B, Rus D, Baba CO, Albu S, Who cannot afford dental care in Romania? Results from a national survey, European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference, June 2013, Milan, Italy
- Timofe MP, Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheș RM. Falls in elderly. Evidence from a large Emergency Department in Mures County, Romania, European Public Health Conference (EUPHA), November 2012, St. Julians, Malta
- Ungureanu MI, Baciu B, Mureșan RM, Rus IA, Cherecheș RM. Attitudes towards informal healthcare payments in Romania and their implications on the health sector reform process. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, October 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Cherecheş RM, Ungureanu MI, Litan CM, Rus IA, Cosciug A, Baba CO. Informal Payments: the Definition – A Systematic Review. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, November 2011, Washington DC, USA
- Cherecheş RM, Ungureanu MI, Rus IA, Litan CM, Baba CO. Informal Payments, Health and Wealth – The Case from Romania. Assets for Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifecourse International Conference, September 2011, London, UK
THE ADAGIO project represented an excellent opportunity for enhacing the Cluj School of Public Health community engagement and impact. The dance classes offered to approximately 50 community dwelling older adults had been very successful and created a real buzz amongst this population. As a result, the project has very high chances of continuing this fall, in collaboration with the Social Welfare and Medical Direction – City Hall and the Napoca Dance Sports Club. The aim of this follow-up project is to test the feasibility of shifting from a research project paradigm to a community service offered to as many older adults as possible, year round.
The leisure time activities offered to older adults as well as the partnerships created with the local public and private stakeholders foster the impact of Cluj School of Public Health on Cluj-Napoca population’s health.
Our mission is to provide high quality research on human resources for health.
Our vision is that healthcare systems will make evidence-informed policy decisions with regards to the management of their health workforce.
Our objectives are to: (1) Conduct studies to assess health workers’ mobility and preferences; (2) Develop policy briefs on HRH targeting local, regional and national policy makers.