Social and Behavioral Health
All research activities are conducted through the Center for Health Policy and Public Health. More information on doctoral studies can be found here.
The Unit of Social and Behavioral Health aims to undertake quality research for improving social and community health in the Eastern and Central European region and beyond, by promoting the understanding of the interplay between social, psychological and behavioral factors that influence the health status of individuals and communities. The ultimate scope of the unit is to develop, implement, and evaluate evidence-based programs and policies designed to address health risk behaviors and improve health outcomes.
Supplement: Mobile Health Intervention for Family Smoking Cessation in Romania (2019-2020)
This supplement will rely on a mixed methods strategy to elicit patient centered strategies from the ongoing trial participants and to pilot test selected strategies for increasing engagement and retention in the Smoke
Free Together app. Specifically, we plan exit interviews with 15 pregnant smokers and 15 life partners (n=30) using the Smoke Free Together app in the parent project randomized controlled trial. These interviews will
focus mostly on notification-based strategies…
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TESSA – Ethical considerations related to E-cigarette use for pregnancy smoking cessation (2019-2020)
This project aims to explore the emergent field of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) in relation with pregnant individuals in Romania, through an in-depth qualitative research approach. There is limited research on the ethical questions raised by e-cigarette use for tobacco cessation and the controversy around it. The objectives of this proposed supplement are to (1) identify ethical concerns and associated attitudes and perceptions related to e-cigarette use …
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Mobile Health Intervention for Family Smoking Cessation in Romania (2017-2020)
This project will contribute to the evidence base for the use of mobile technology to improve clinical outcomes and public health while building research capacity in Romania and developing LMIC research networks. The research will contribute to our knowledge of pregnancy smoking prevention by assessing whether a culturally sensitive pregnancy and postnatal mHealth intervention grounded in theory and enhanced by addressing couples’ dyadic efficacy for smoking cessation is feasible, acceptable, and …
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RESPREMO – A mHealth Intervention to Prevent Smoking Relapse After Birth (2017-2019)
This project aims to develop an adapted and enhanced mHealth couple intervention to prevent post-partum smoking relapse. The main goal of this project is to develop, implement, and disseminate effective and sustainable interventions to prevent and reduce smoking in families over their reproductive life span. So, the purpose of this project is to adapt, enhance, and test the implementation feasibility and efficacy of an evidence-based pregnancy and postnatal smoking relapse pilot mHealth intervention…
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PRESENCE – Increasing the Role of Pharmacists in Smoking Cessation in Romania: Preparation and Perceptions of Community Pharmacists (2017)
The project aims to investigate current smoking cessation practices of pharmacists employed at three community pharmacy chains in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The proposed research foster recognition of the potential of pharmacists’ involvement in direct patient care and the resulting positive impact on a healthcare system. It also will give insight into pharmacy education in Romania, and how it prepares future and current pharmacists to take on these roles…
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EU Birth Research – Building Intrapartum Research Through Health – an interdisciplinary whole system approach to understanding and contextualizing physiological labor and birth (2014-2018)
Getting maternity care right for mothers and babies is vital for all countries and societies. The BIRTH COST Action brings together over 100 scientists, artists, professionals, activists, political stakeholders and service users from around 30 countries in Europe and beyond, to try to understand the range and limits of normal childbirth physiology in different populations, individuals, and contexts. It includes five key areas: 1. Biomedicine (epigenetics and the hygiene hypothesis); 2. Biomechanics (maternal and …
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TABLO – Training staff in the use of arts for the benefit of people with long-term conditions (2015-2018)
Arts and creativity represent valuable aids in improving overall well-being. The use of arts for individuals suffering from chronic conditions could improve their physical health, mental health outcomes, their quality of life, and ultimately reduce healthcare costs. While a wide range of creative arts initiatives have been employed to improve the health and mental health outcomes of individuals, little attention has been paid to the training of the facilitators delivering these programs…
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DARIA – Improving type 1 diabetes health outcomes in adolescents: a randomized clinical trial using a motivational interviewing approach (2015-2016)
The project addresses the topic of improper diabetes management for adolescents aged 13-19 with type 1 diabetes in Romania. The objectives of the project are (1) to test the effectiveness of a adolescent/parent motivational interviewing intervention in improving levels of glycated hemoglobin through proper disease management and (2) to map the social determinants of diabetes in this specific group, through a qualitative analysis…
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RESPIRE – An intervention to support smoking cessation among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2015-2016)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide and is projected to increase due to the continuing exposure to risk factors, especially in countries where smoking continues to be extremely prevalent. Romania is listed in the countries with the highest mortality rates for COPD both for males (more than 80 per 100 000) and females (more than 30 per 100 000). The goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a targeted intervention focusing on motivational interviewing, combined with support in accessing and following smoking cessation therapy…
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IBIS – Understanding the impact and context of family burden and stigma on caregivers of people with mental illness (2015-2016)
Individuals with mental health disorders are highly stigmatized. Common beliefs are that they are dangerous, hard to talk to or that the mental disorder is self-inflicted. Caregivers, most commonly family members of mental health patients, also endure stigma by association also known as ,,courtesy stigma”. Thus, they experience high level of burden and psychological distress, which leads to poor health outcomes and interpersonal relations for the mental health patient and his/her family. Courtesy stigma needs to be addressed to improve these outcomes…
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IMERS – Improve the mental health referral system in oncology care (2015-2016)
The purpose of this study is to identify individual, organizational and legislative factors impacting the mental health referral system in oncology care in five South Eastern European countries, since, to our knowledge, no previous study has done this. As a result of the study, guidelines will be developed to improve the mental health referral system in all countries and dissemination activities will support the exchange of good practices in the field…
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PERSIST – Family smoking cessation in Romania using pregnancy as a window of opportunity (2014-2020)
The NIH-funded project aims to adapt, enhance, and test the implementation feasibility and initial efficacy, in Romania, of an evidence-based pregnancy and postnatal couple intervention for smoking cessation. The project will make use of the Motivation and Problem Solving (MAPS) framework, inviting couples to participate in smoking prevention and cessation counseling sessions during pregnancy and postnatal periods…
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AHEAD – Association between health literacy, glycemic control, treatment adherence and self-care behaviors in a sample of type two diabetes patients in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2014 – 2015)
The diabetes epidemic is currently affecting both developed and developing countries. In Romania, 50.000 individuals are diagnosed annually with diabetes, this condition accounting for 12.179 deaths each year. In Cluj-Napoca, Romania, reports from the Cluj Public Health Department show that 7% of the population suffered from type two diabetes…
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PRISM – Postnatal smoking relapse, its associated risk factors, and a proactive sustainable preventive intervention (2013-2016)
About PRISM Improving maternal and child health is a key public health issue, a concern for the health policy makers, and one of particular relevance in developing countries. Maternal smoking is one of the most modifiable factors clearly linked to adverse effects for the fetus and the baby…
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MAIA – Advancing maternal and child health in Romania: an integrated assessment of the determinants of pregnancy outcomes (2011-2016)
The aim of this study is to explore and explain psychosocial stress and its impact on poor pregnancy outcomes in Romania. Infant mortality in Romania is higher than other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The majority of infant deaths are due to preterm delivery (PTD) or…
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PROYOUTH – Promotion of young people’s mental health through technology-enhanced personalization of care (2011-2014)
PRO-YOUTH focuses on reducing inequalities, reaching underserved populations, and de-stigmatising mental disorders by psychoeducation and peer support. Young people’s self-management skills are strengthened and they are encouraged to seek the best and most effective health care assistance. The inclusion of different settings, contexts, and stakeholders together with the respective…
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ANARo-Development of a nutritional literacy intervention for Romanian adolescents (2013-2014)
Malnutrition, a global health issues, has been understudied in Romanian adolescent population. Romanian adolescents aged between 11 and 16 years old report unhealthy eating patterns. As they grow older, Romanian adolescents consume less fruits and vegetables while eating more unhealthy snacks (i.e., sweets, chips), fast-food and carbonated soft drinks….
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SHINE–Health inequalities and children’s exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke: assessing the social determinants of infant and young child exposure in a Romanian sample (2013-2014)
Children’s exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS) is an important contributor to increasing health inequalities world-wide. Despite the extensive research being conducted on smoking behaviour, there still is a limited understanding on how these inequalities emerge and widen. Consequently, the proposed research tries to understand the SHS exposure of…
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SMART– A social marketing intervention to prevent smoking uptake in adolescents living in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2013-2014)
In Romania, NCDs are responsible for 91% of all deaths in a year. Tobacco consumption is a major risk factor for NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and respiratory diseases. Yet, in Romania, 26.7% of the entire adult population smokes, 17.1% of these taking up smoking before the age…
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HAPPen – Illness perception, disease severity and psychosocial adaptation in Romanian patients with psoriasis (2012-2013)
Psoriasis is one of the most challenging chronic skin disorders and it is accompanied by high levels of psychosocial distress. In order for mental health prevention, early-detection and intervention programs to be designed, this research project was focused on measuring illness perception, psychosocial adaptation and mental and physical health…
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RO-CDIRT – Iowa Non-communicable Chronic Diseases Research Training Program in Romania (2010-2015)
The overall purpose of this project is to build long-term, sustainable capacity to conduct population-based research in Romania in fields related to cancer, cerebrovascular disease including stroke, lung disease including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and environmental factors including indoor air pollution, and obesity and lifestyle factors related to these…
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ETS-KIDS – Children’s Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Romania – a Pilot Study in Cluj County (2010-2011)
The aim of this pilot project is to explore environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure among children in Cluj County, Romania. Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a known human carcinogen, being classified as the second most common human exposure to carcinogen after sun exposure. Children are especially vulnerable to ETS…
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LUMINITA – Rural Risk Assessment: Child Injury in a Roma Community (2009-2010)
The primary aim of this study was to identify an explore risk factors for pediatric injury within a rural Roma community in Cluj county, Romania. The descriptive study pursues a cross-sectional design, with a qualitative strategy of inquiry. It employed a mix of ethnographic and epidemiologic methods, with data…
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HIDE’N’SEEK – Skin Cancer Environmental Risk Factors: Sun Exposure Behaviors In Children And Parental Attitudes Within Urban Settings – A Comparative Pilot Study In Romania And Slovakia (2009-2010)
The aim of this pilot study is to comparatively examine excessive sun exposure, as well as sunburn and sun protection behaviors of children aged 3-6, within two urban communities in Romania and Slovakia. Understanding these behaviors, as well as exploring possible explanations for the behaviors, would help improve the…
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PHASE- Maternal and child health in Romania: an evaluation of smoking during pregnancy, maternal depression, stress and other risk factors, and an intervention against smoking (2008-2012)
Smoking during pregnancy is still prevalent in Romania. Therefore, this project aimed to assess smoking prevalence and severity, attitudes and knowledge about smoking, depressive symptoms, stress, and social support in pregnant women in Romania (N=916). Also, the project set out to pilot-test a smoking cessation intervention in two urban…
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SPRO – Maternal and child health in Romania: an evaluation of smoking during pregnancy, maternal depression, stress and other risk factors, and an intervention against smoking (2008-2012)
Smoking during pregnancy is still prevalent in Romania. This project aimed on documenting in detail smoking prevalence and severity, attitudes and knowledge about smoking, and pregnancy risk factors poorly documented in Romania, such as depressive symptoms, stress, and social support and to pilot-test a smoking cessation intervention in two…
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ACCESS – The Rural Population Access to Medical Information (2008-2011)
The project aims to facilitate the access of rural population to medical information through physicians, librarians, local authorities by ensuring the existence of health materials in the communes covered by the program. This study is developed in Transylvania region. The study population includes representatives of local authorities, librarians and…
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DEDICATE – The Impact Of Depression On Diabetes Patients: Prevalence And Costs (2008-2009)
The main interest of the authors of this study regards the impact of depression on the chronic ill patients. The objectives of this proposal are focusing on two Eastern European countries – Romania and Slovakia. Specific objectives: – to determine the prevalence of depression among diabetes patients living…
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PP-ETS – Evaluating Exposure to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke in Leisure Public Places in Cluj-Napoca (2008)
The overall aim of the project is to evaluate the effectiveness of the in-force territorial public policy regulating tobacco consumption in public places in randomly selected central locations in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a known human carcinogen, being classified as the second most common human exposure…
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BREASTFEEDING – Cluj Infant Feeding Study – breastfeeding attitudes, knowledge and behaviors among mothers in Cluj county, Romania (2006-2007)
With evidence suggesting that breastfeeding rates are dropping, there is an immediate need to collect empirical data at both national and local levels on breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity. Subjects were 18 years and older and were recruited into two cohorts: (1) third trimester pregnant women (n=336) and (2)…
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Scientific manuscripts
2015 – Meghea, C. I., Brînzaniuc, A., Mihu, D., Iuhas, C. I., Stamatian, F., Caracostea, G …. & Cherecheș, R. M. (2015). A couple-focused intervention to prevent postnatal smoking relapse: PRISM study design. Contemporary clinical trials, 41, 273-279. Access here.
2014 – Meghea, C. I., Rus, I. A., Cherecheş, R. M., Costin, N., Caracostea, G., & Brinzaniuc, A. (2014). Maternal smoking during pregnancy and birth outcomes in a sample of Romanian women. Central European journal of public health,22(3), 153. Access here.
2013 – Pop, O. M., Brînzaniuc, A., Şirlincan, E. O., Baba, C. O., & Cherecheş, R. M. (2013). Assessing health literacy in rural settings: a pilot study in rural areas of Cluj County, Romania. Global health promotion, 1757975913502686. Access here.
2012 – Meghea, C. I., Rus, I. A., & Rus, D. (2012). Risk factors associated with nicotine dependence in a sample of Romanian pregnant smokers. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 163(1), 22-26. Access here.
2011 – Cherecheş, R., Brinzaniuc, A., Ungureanu, M., & Cătălin, B. A. B. A. (2011). Supporting an integrated approach for health promotion and primary care in rural settings through adequate legal framework. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 7(34), 40-48. Access here.
2011 – Wallis, A. B., Brînzaniuc, A., Oprescu, F., Cherecheş, R. M., Mureşan, M., & Dungy, C. I. (2011). A structured public health approach to increasing rates and duration of breastfeeding in Romania. Breastfeeding Medicine, 6(6), 429-432. Access here.
2011 – Wallis, A. B., Fernandez, R., Oprescu, F., Cherecheş, R., Zlati, A., & Dungy, C. I. (2012). Validation of a Romanian scale to detect antenatal depression.Central European Journal of Medicine, 7(2), 216-223. Access here.
2010 – Meghea, C. I., Rus, D., & Dirle, I. A. (2010). Characteristics and health behaviors of pregnant women in Romania. GINECO RO, 6(3), 166-171.
2010 – Meghea, C. I., Rus, D., Rus, I. A., Holtrop, J. S., & Roman, L. (2010). Smoking during pregnancy and associated risk factors in a sample of Romanian women.The European Journal of Public Health, ckq189. Access here.
2010 – Baba, C. O., Brînzaniuc, A., Şirlincan, E. O., & Cherecheş, R. M. (2010). Promoting Health in Rural Transylvania, Romania. A descriptive Analysis of Health Promotion Activities. Central European journal of public health, 18(4), 198. Access here.
2010 – Baba, C., BrÎnzaniuc, A., Sirlincan, E., & Chereches, R. (2010). Access to health information in rural settings-the implementation of the library’s law no. 334/2002 in Transylvania, Romania. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences. Access here.
2008 – Baba, C. O., Brinzaniuc, A., CHERECHEȘ, R. M., & Diana, R. U. S. (2008). Assessment of the reform of the Romanian health care system. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 4(24), 15-25. Access here.
2007 – Baba, C. O., Cherecheş, R. M., Brînzaniuc, A., & Moşteanu, O. (2007). Using Standardized Health Consumer Indicators as a Policy Development Tool.Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 3(20), 5-12. Access here.
2007 – Wallis, A. B., Chereches, R., Oprescu, F., Brînzaniuc, A., & Dungy, C. I. (2007). An international model for staffing maternal and child health research: the use of undergraduate students. Breastfeeding medicine, 2(3), 139-144. Access here.
Conference proceedings
2013 – Pop O.M., Brînzaniuc A., Suciu A.M., Cherecheș R.M. Gender differences in attitudes towards smoking among Romanian adolescent: the role of smoking status. Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health, 23(1)
2013 – Brînzaniuc A, Pop O.M., Rus I.A., Cherecheș R.M., Wallis. Prevalence and determinants of prenatatl depression symptoms in a Romanian sample of pregnant women: a comparative analysis across socioeconomic groups. Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health 23(1).
2012 – Pop O.M., Brînzaniuc A., Rus I.A., Baciu B., Cherecheș R.M. 2012. Predictors of smoking intentions among adolescents: a comparative analysis between never, current, and experimental smokers. Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health, 22 (2): 221
2012 – Negura D.N., Brînzaniuc A., Suciu A.M., Pop O.M., Vladut C., Cherecheș R.M., Wallis A.B. 2012. Maternal lifestyles and risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes: a pilot study in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health, 22 (2): 279
2011 – Brînzaniuc A., Cherecheș R.M., Rus I.A., Suciu A.M., Dușe I.A., Pop O.M. 2011. Are teens safe at home from second-hand tobacco smoke exposure? Evidence from Eastern Europe, Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health, 21(1):154
Conference presentations
2014 – Oana M. Pop, Angela Cazacu-Stratu, Melinda Pénzes, Paula M. Alexa. 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association: New Orleans, USA, Young people’s health beliefs and safety concerns regarding the use of electronic cigarettes: Evidence from Eastern Europe – poster presentation
2014 – Oana M. Pop, Melinda Pénzes, Róbert Urbán, Angela Cazacu-Stratu, Kristie L. Foley. 5th SRNT-Europe Annual Meeting: Santiago de Compostela, Spain, A cross-country assessment of young adults’ intentions to use e-cigarettes: Evidence from Eastern Europe – poster presentation
2014 – Oana M. Pop, Elena M. Bozdog. 2nd European Social Marketing Conference: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, A school-based, social marketing intervention to prevent smoking uptake in adolescents: The use of forum theater techniques in building tobacco refusal skills and diminishing competition for remaining smoke-free – oral presentation
2013 – Pop O.M., Brînzaniuc A., Suciu A.M., Cherecheș R.M. 6th European Public Health Conference, Brussels, Belgium. Gender differences in attitudes towards smoking among Romanian adolescent: the role of smoking status – poster presentation
2013 – Brînzaniuc A., Pop O.M., Rus I.A., Cherecheș R.M., Wallis A.B. Brînzaniuc A., Pop O.M., Rus I.A., Cherecheș R.M., Wallis A.B. Prevalence and determinants of prenatal depression symptoms in a Romanian sample of pregnant women: a comparative analysis across socioeconomic groups – oral presentation
2013 – Brînzaniuc A., Pop O.M., Cherecheș R.M., Marton-Vasarhelyi O., Baba C., Coman M.A. American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting &Exposition, Boston, Best practices in improving access to reliable health information in rural areas: A pilot study in Cluj County, Romania – round table presentation
2012 – Pop O.M., Brînzaniuc A., Baciu B., Suciu A.M., Cherecheș R.M. American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting &Exposition, San Francisco, CA, Improving the life of current and future generations: Exploring risk and protective factors for smoking experimentation among Romanian adolescents – poster presentation
2012 – Pop O.M., Brînzaniuc A., Rus I.A., Baciu B., Cherecheș R.M. European Public Health Association – All inclusive public health, Portomaso, St. Jullian’s, Malta, Predictors of smoking intentions among adolescents: a comparative analysis between never, current, and experimental smokers – poster presentation
2012 – Negura D.N., Brînzaniuc A., Suciu A.M., Pop O.M., Vladut C., Cherecheș R.M., Wallis A.B. European Public Health Association – All inclusive public health, Portomaso, St. Jullian’s, Malta, Maternal lifestyles and risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes: a pilot study in Cluj-Napoca, Romania – poster presentation
2012 – Marton-Vasarhelyi O., Pop O.M., Brînzaniuc A., Cherecheș R.M. TEMPUS – Public Health and Social Services: Education and Practice, Tbilisi, Georgia, The role of local libraries in improving access to health-related information in rural settings: evidence from Cluj-Napoca, Romania – oral presentation
2011 – Pop, O.M., Brînzaniuc A., Șirlincan, O., Baba, O. Assessing health literacy in rural settings: a pilot study in rural areas of Cluj county, Romania, 12th International Congress for Medical students and Young Health Professionals, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – oral presentation.
2011 – Flannery K., Brînzaniuc A., Pop O.M. 2011 Global Health Conference – Advancing health equity in the 21st Centrury, Montreal, Canada, Initial evaluation of health literacy in rural Romania – poster presentation
2011- Baba, C.O., Brînzaniuc, A., Rus, I.A., Negura, D., Marushkova, L., Cherecheș, R.M. Sun exposure behaviors in children and parental attitudes: a pilot study in Romania and Slovakia. 4th European Public Health Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, Public Health and Welfare – Welfare Development and Health Copenhagen – poster presentation.
2011 – Marius I. Ungureanu, Alexandra Brînzaniuc, Oana M. Pop, Emanuela O. Șirlincan, Răzvan M. Cherecheș, Cătălin O. Baba. 3rd Regional Conference of Family Doctors, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Physician-Patient Relation in Rural Areas – Implications for Prevention Programs
2010 – Brînzaniuc, A., Baba, C., Şirlincan, E., Cherecheş, R. Public Health Perspectives in Central and Southeastern Europe in XXI Century International Conference, Novi-Sad, Serbia, Access to health information in rural settings and libraries’ role in Transylvania, Romania – oral presentation.
2010 – Brînzaniuc, A., Baba, C., Şirlincan, E., Cherecheş, R. 3rd Joint European Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Primary health care services and health promotion in rural Transylvania, Romania: perspectives for intergrated approaches – oral presentation.
2010 – Meghea, C.I., Rus, D., Dîrle, I.A., Holtrop, J.S., Roman, L.A. 24th European Health Psychology Conference – Health In Context, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Social support and other risk factors during pregnancy in Romania – oral presentation.
2010 – Zlati, A., Brînzaniuc, A., Vladu, C., Domnariu, C. Băban, A. 24th European Health Psychology Conference – Health In Context, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Unhealthy weight control behavior in Romanian school children – poster presentation.
2010 – Brînzaniuc, A.; Baba, C.; Şirlincan, E.; Cherecheş, R. 3rd Joint European Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Primary health care services and health promotion in rural Transylvania, Romania: perspectives for intergrated approaches – oral presentation.
2010 – Brînzaniuc, A.; Baba, C.; Şirlincan, E.; Cherecheş, R. Public Health Perspectives in Central and Southeastern Europe in XXI Century International Conference, Novi-Sad, Serbia, Access to health information in rural settings and libraries’ role in Transylvania, Romania – oral presentation.
2009 – Wallis, A., Brînzaniuc, A., Coman, A., Oprescu, F., Cherecheș, R., Dungy, C. 15th Maternal and Child Helath Epidemiolog Conference, CDC Sponsored, Tampa, FL, USA, Projectul Luminita: A pilot study of pediatric injury risk in a Roma community – oral presentation.
2009 – Oprescu, F., Peek-Asa, C., Wallis, A., Young, T., Nour, D., Cherecheș, M.R., Brînzaniuc A. American Public Health Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Pediatric poisoning control – results and recommendations from an emergency department injury registry – poster presentation.
2009 – Brinzaniuc A., Ticlau T.C., Dirle A.I., Baba C.O., Chereches M.R. American Public Health Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Evaluating exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in Cluj-Napoca, Romania – poster presentation.
2009 – Majdan, M., Coman, A., Gallova, E., Duricov, J., Bosak, L., Brînzaniuc, A. International Society of Exposure Science Conference, Mineapolis, MN, USA, Biomass use and indoor air quality in roma villages in Slovakia and Romania – Results from the IARQ-ROMA Study – oral presentation.
2009 – Wallis, A., Brînzaniuc, A., Coman, A., Oprescu, F., Dungy, C. Summer Institute on Health and the Built Environment, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Pediatric injury risk in a Roma community – oral presentation.
2009 –Țiclău, T., Brînzaniuc, A. Summer Institute on Health and the Built Environment, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Cluj-Napoca. A pilot study – oral presentation.
2007 – Oprescu, F., Wallis A., Dungy, C., Cherecheş, R., Brînzaniuc, A. Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference, CDC sponsored, Atlanta Georgia USA, Breastfeeding Attitudes, Knowledge, And Behaviors Of Romanian Mothers – poster presentation.
ICONIC – International Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases (19-20 May 2015)
The conference provides a forum that enables practitioners and researchers to share their experience in non-communicable diseases research and practice, and to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, practitioners and service users in the field of non-communicable diseases.
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DISCIPLE – 1st International Students’ Conference in Public Health (12-13 May 2015)
Public Health DISCIPLE – International Students’ Conference in Public Health is an online conference organized by Cluj School of Public Health from Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania and represents a great opportunity for the students in the public health field from all around Europe to present their work and to get feedback from international researchers and professionals…
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CITESC ZILNIC – Reach out and read program (2014)
Current research studies show that children who recognize alphanumeric symbols and understand that writing is used to communicate information have better cognitive, social, and health outcomes as opposed to their counterparts who do not attain these skills. The aim of the Citesc Zilnic project is to promote, with the help of family physicians, children’s (aged 6 months – 5 years) exposure to reading aloud.
Our mission is to provide high quality research on human resources for health.
Our vision is that healthcare systems will make evidence-informed policy decisions with regards to the management of their health workforce.
Our objectives are to: (1) Conduct studies to assess health workers’ mobility and preferences; (2) Develop policy briefs on HRH targeting local, regional and national policy makers.