Violence and Injury Prevention
All research activities are conducted through the Center for Health Policy and Public Health. More information on doctoral studies can be found here.
The Violence and Injury Prevention Unit (VIP) carries out research of potential and existing environmental causes of illness, diseases, injuries and deaths. The unit has three main areas of activity: injury, violence, and occupational health. Current and recent activities include health risks assessments and research on injury surveillance and control, traffic injuries, workplace violence, rural health, and occupational health.
iCREATE (Increasing Capacity in Research in Eastern Europe)
Funder: Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Injuries are among the leading causes of death and disability throughout the world and contribute disproportionately to premature life lost. Injury rates are highest among middle- and low-income countries (LMIC), and many of the leading injury causes are increasing disproportionately in LMICs compared with high income countries. This project introduces injury and violence training to the LMIC countries of Armenia, Georgia, and Moldova. Thus, the goals of this proposal are to create a critical mass of injury researchers from multiple disciplines and to engage injury and violence agencies and stakeholders. These aims will be accomplished by providing interdisciplinary training with a focus on long-term (MPH and PhD) degree programs that facilitate placement of trainees in leadership positions in academia, government agencies, and non-government organizations (NGOs). We will leverage the training capacity developed in Romania, with additional training in research methods, professional development, and research administration provided by the University of Iowa.
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Parents’ experience in using Child Safety Restraints in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Funder: Babes-Boylai University, Cluj-Napoca (UBB) – Young Researcher Grant Program
Traffic injury prevention is a global priority as it is one of the main causes of death among children. In Romania, the use of appropriate car safety products for child passengers is required by law, but we lack in specific recommendations and national programs to promote this behavior and increase awareness. With regard to the current situation, this study aims to identify means of increasing the correct use of child safety restraints when travelling in a car. Therefore, parents’ personal experiences and perceptions on this issue are to be explored as well as the differences in perception and experience between parents who use and parents who don’t use child passenger safety restraints.
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RESPONSE – Multi-agency response for reporting of GBV in maternal health services
Funder: European Commission
The aim of the RESPONSE project is to increase maternal health team GBV disclosure in patients, referral to specialist services and safety planning in 5 geographically diverse EU countries (Austria, France, Germany, Romania, and Spain).
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Bridge-Health – Bridging Information and Data Generation for Evidence-based Health Policy and Research
Funder: European Commission
As a continuation of the work on the IDB and JAMIE projects, The Injury Surveillance Platform, i.e. a network of national European Injury Data Base (IDB) centers, which fulfils a core role in implementing a program of continuous improvement in injury data gathering within European countries has joined the Bridge-Health Project. As partners in the previous project we continue to be involved in the European Injury Data Base as National Data Administrators.The BRIDGE Health project aims to prepare the transition towards a sustainable and integrated EU health information system for both public health and research purposes.
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SAFENESS – Safety and Health Hazards in Small Farming Operations – A pilot study among Hungarian ethnics, in rural Romania
Funder: Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The overall objective of this study is to identify and assess safety and health hazard information in small farming operations among Hungarian ethnics, in rural Romania. This study develops an observation-based methodology for systematically evaluating occupational health and safety hazards in agriculture, by pilot-testing it on 50 small-scale farming operations among Hungarian ethnics, in rural Romania.Each observation will assess a range of safety and health hazards (e.g., musculoskeletal hazards, dust and pollen, noise, and mechanical hazards), as well as factors such as type of work area, presence of personal protective equipment, and weather conditions.
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ADAGIO – Falls related psychosocial and physical effects of and perceptions towards a ballroom dance program in Independent Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Funder: Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The main purpose of the study is to explore the benefits of dance for physical and psychosocial health of older people who attend Community Day Centers in Cluj – Napoca. Also, the level of participation and acceptability of such program among this category of people will be assessed. Specific objectives are to asses older adults’ perceptions and attitudes related to a ballroom dance program as a type of physical activity and as well the psychosocial and physical effects of the ballroom dance program on the participating older adults through a set of tests that will applied before and at the end of the dance program to both intervention and control group.
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IMPLEMENT – Specialised support for victims of violence in Health Care Systems across Europe
Funder: European Commission
IMPLEMENT – Specialised support for victims of violence in Health Care Systems across Europe is a research project recently funded by the European Commission through DG Justice – Daphne III Programme. The project responds to priority 2.2.1 Support for victims of violence (SVV) of the Daphne programme by implementing capacity building in 6 European countries to strengthen the specialised support for victims of gender-based violence in emergency and obstetrical care. The specific objectives of the project are to perform an environmental scanning and situational analysis in each of the 6 partner countries and provide 1 train-the-trainer seminar to empower 6 violence prevention advocates and 6 obstetric or emergency care professionals.
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CSS – Child Passenger Safety Survey in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Funder: Injury Prevention Research Center, University of Iowa, USA
In Romania, traffic safety among children is an important issue as the legislative framework includes only minimal requirements regarding the use of child safety restraints and safety systems while driving. In a recent descriptive study conducted in Romania analyzing the road traffic crashed that have occurred during 2010 in Cluj-County, from a total on 71 children aged under 12 years of age, only three of them where using any type of child seats, and only 49% of the passengers were using seatbelts. In this context, the CSS project aims to investigate the usability of child restraining systems in Romania when travelling as passengers in a car, and the knowledge and attitudes towards car safety among parents with a child age 12 and under.
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SCAN – A spatial and temporal analysis of child pedestrian injuries in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Funder: Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The main purpose of the study is contribute to the development of targeted prevention program in the area by indicating child pedestrian high incidence locations and associated risk factors. The specific objectives of the SCAN project are to analyze spatial and temporal patterns of child pedestrian road traffic injuries in Cluj-Napoca and to determine built environment related factors that may contribute to increased risk of child pedestrian road traffic injuries. The key characteristics of the built environment that may contribute to increased risk of child pedestrian injuries were assessed based on a predetermined list of built environment risk factors, at each of the hot-spot location.
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ICTIRT – International Collaborative Trauma and Injury Research Training Program
Funder: Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The overall purpose of this project by The University of Iowa is to continue to build a collaborative research training program that will strengthen the capacity to conduct clinical, translation and implementation research on human trauma and injury at three emerging centers of excellence in the Central/Eastern European region. The main objectives of this project are to train a critical mass of scientists, nurses, and health professionals in a variety of disciplines necessary to assess, treat, prevent, and ameliorate injury-related morbidity and mortality; to develop and strengthen three institutions as sustainable centers of excellence in injury research, including the development of long term partnerships with the University of Iowa, NIH, CDC, WHO, and with other U.S. and international institutions and organizations.
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TACTICS – Tools to Address Childhood Trauma, Injury and Children’s Safety
Funder: European Commission
TACTICS is a large scale, multi-year initiative working to make the lives of children in Europe safer by developing tools to increase adoption and implementation of effective interventions at the national and local levels. The specific objectives of this projects are to 1) address the leading cause of child death, disability and inequalities in Europe; 2) support children’s right to safety as agreed to in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; 3) examine intentional and unintentional child injuries nationally and sub-nationally; 4) support the development and implementation of Child Safety Action Plans and 5) develop practical tools and resources to support uptake, implementation and monitoring of evidence-based child safety policies.
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JAMIE – Joint Action on Monitoring Injuries in Europe
Funder: European Commission
The aim of the JAMIE project is to create at European level a database with reference to causes of all types of accidents leading to injuries. JAMIE is the continuation of the European Injury Database IDB, and follows to develop one common hospital-based injury data collection system in all EU-member states, by 2015. In order to achieve the aim, a data collection instrument and a coding system for the introduction of data in an electronic database were developed. Specific objectives of this project are definition of quality criteria for national IDB data collection efforts, like representativeness and comparability and an increase in number of countries reporting injury data in accordance with these quality criteria over the years 2012-2014.
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CDI RURAL – Occupational Health of Rural Workers – Costs, Depression and Injury
Funder: Michigan State University
The project aims to assess the prevalence of depression in rural backyard farm operators and groups at risk. More specifically, it tries to identify which is the rate of depression in rural areas and a potential correlation with backyard farm injuries. The CDI RURAL project assess the prevalence of depression in rural backyard farm operators and groups at risk; describes depression prevalence and offer baseline data for future projects; and examines injury risk factors in the hope that safety for workers in Romanian rural farms can be improved by addressing mental health in rural communities.
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LUMINITA – Rural Risk Assessment: Child Injury in a Roma Community
Funder: Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center & ICTIRT Project, University of Iowa, USA
The primary aim of this study was to identify an explore risk factors for pediatric injury within a rural Roma community in Cluj county, Romania. The descriptive study pursues a cross-sectional design, with a qualitative strategy of inquiry. It employed a mix of ethnographic and epidemiologic methods, with data collected from an array of sources, using participant observations, interviews (individual and group interviews), and medical data. The main objectives of this project were to establish a model for assessing pediatric injury risk factors in Roma communities and explore the possibility of replication in similar contexts and to develop a community-based, culturally responsive intervention to prevent injury in the studied region.
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IDB – European Injury Data Base
Funder: European Commission
This project aims to pilot test the Injury Database (IDB) in Romania. The provision of comparable data for all injury sectors (home and leisure, products and services, traffic, work place, violence) is expected to facilitate injury monitoring and prevention in the Member States (and at EU level as well). IDB organization follows the principle of subsidiarity. The specific objectives of the IDB project were to obtain around 3000 cases of injuries and accidents; to strengthen the NDA organisation in their role as a promoter of injury surveillance at national level and to develop a list of recommendation and an advocacy plan to lobby for national injury surveillance and control.
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TRAFFIC INJURIES – Traffic Injury Prevention in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Funder: Fogarty International Center & the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Iowa
Road Traffic Injuries in Cluj-Napoca, Romania is a pilot project that used police reports and emergency department data to draw a map with GIS technology. GIS technology has been used to identify traffic injury hot spots with the primary scope of developing future injury prevention strategies in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The main objectives of the project were to identify the hot spots with traffic accidents from the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania and to design an interrogation and display software, which will enable Geographical Information System (GIS) representations on a digital interactive map.
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ITREOH – International Training and Research In Environmental and Occupational Health
Funder: National Institute for Health – Fogarty International Center
Romania is a beneficiary of the International Training and Research in Environmental and Occupational Health. This program has provided various levels of training to health research specialists in the areas of environmental health, occupational health and public health from research and educational institutions in Central and Eastern Europe (Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Romania) and, more recently, in The Gambia, West Africa. The main purpose of the ITREOH project was to to train foreign health scientists, clinicians, epidemiologists, toxicologists, engineers, industrial hygienists, chemists and allied health workers from developing countries and emerging democracies in both general environmental health and occupational health.
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Publications – full-text
Hamann, C; Peek-Asa, C; Rus, D. (2015). Epidemiology of pedestrian-MVCs by road type in Cluj, Romania. Injury prevention, 21(2):84-90. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2014-041266. Link to the article.
Rus D; Peek-Asa C; Baragan E; Chereches RM; Mocean F. (2015). Epidemiology of road traffic injuries treated in a large Romanian Emergency Department in Tîrgu-Mureş between 2009-2010. Traffic Inj Prev, 1, 1-7. Link to the article.
Rus D, Chereches RM, Peek-Asa C, Marton-Vasarhely EO, Oprescu F, Brinzaniuc A, Mocean F. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. (2014). Paediatric head injuries treated in children’s emergency department from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, doi: 10.1080/17457300.2013.872671 [Epub ahead of print]. Link to the article.
Edwards, N, Viehbeck, S, Hämäläinen, R M, Rus, D, Skovgaard, T, van de Goor, I, Valente, A, Syed, A, Aro, A R. (2013). Challenges of Ethical Clearance in International Health Policy and Social Sciences Research: Experiences and Recommendations from a Multi-Country Research Programme. Public Health Reviews, 34(1), 1-18. Link to the article.
Gal M, Rus D, Peek-Asa C, Cherecheş RM, Sirlincan EO, Boeriu C, Baba CO. (2012). Epidemiology of assault and self-harm injuries treated in a large Romanian Emergency Department. Eur J Emerg Med. 19(3), 146-52. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0b013e32834ada2e. Link to the article.
Rus, D, Gal M, Chereches, R, Baba CO, Boeriu C. (2011). IDB – The link between Emergency Department and Injury Prevention. Jurnalul de Medicină de Urgenţă şi Salvări în Situaţii Speciale, No: I./2011/Anul III. ISFN: 2066-0278 (Romanian Journal of Emergency Medicine and Rescue). Link to the article.
Publications – abstract
E Baragan, D Rus, R Chereches, D Trif. 2015. An environmental scan of child pedestrian injury hotspots in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Eur J Public Health (2015) 25 (suppl 3). DOI: ckv175.098 [First published online: 6 October 2015]. Abstract is available here.
D Rus, F Jurchis, E Baragan, R Chereches, C Peek-Asa, F Mocean. 2015. Child safety restraint usage in Romania – an observational study design. Eur J Public Health (2015) 25 (suppl 3). DOI: [First published online: 6 October 2015]. Abstract available here.
D Rus, EA Baragan, IA Duse, C Brinza, RM Chereches, C Peek-Asa, F Mocean. 2014. Passengers’ safety: differences among front seat and back seat occupants in a pilot study conducted in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Eur J Public Health (2014) 24 (suppl 2): DOI: [First published online: 31 October 2014]. Abstract available here.
M Gal, MP Timofe, D Rus, ES Zavtochi, C Boeriu, RM Chereches, C Peek-Asa. 2013. Eur J Public Health (2013) 23 (suppl 1): DOI: [First published online: 4 November 2013]. Abstract available here.
Rus D, Bărăgan EA, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheş RM, Mocean F, Improving road traffic injury surveillance: The importance of data linkage. Published in EUPHA Conference Proceedings. Eur J Public Health (2012) 22(suppl 2): 126-295. Abstract available here.
Duse, D. Rus , R. Chereches, C. Baba. 2012. Occupational Injury Surveillance System in Romania – The changing dynamics of work-related accidents between 2001–2010. EHPS 2012 abstracts, Psychology & Health, 27:sup1, 1-357. Abstract available here.
Dușe I A, Suciu A, Rus D, Cherecheș RM, Magnitude and Trends of Injuries in Occupational Settings between 2001-2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Published in EUPHA Conference Proceedings. Eur J Public Health (2012) 22(suppl 2): 126-295. Abstract available here.
Timofe MP, Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheş RM. Falls in elderly. Evidence from a large Emergency Department in Mures County, Romania, 2009-2010. Published in EUPHA Conference Proceedings. Eur J Public Health (2012) 22(suppl 2): 126-295. Abstract available here.
Rus D, Bărăgan EA, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheş RM, Mocean F. Improving Road Traffic Injury Surveillance Using Data Linkage: A pilot project in Mures County, Romania. Published in World Safety Conference Proceedings. Inj Prev 2012 18: A214, doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2012-040590u.35. Abstract available here.
Cherecheş R M, Rus D, Lucăcel M, Şirlincan EO and Baba CO. 2011. Road traffic injury prevention strategies: A behavioural approach, (2011): B. Interactive poster presentations, Psychology & Health, 26:sup2, 73-253. Abstract available here.
Rus D, Litan C, Cherecheş RM, Rus IA, Baba CO. 2011. How significant is the impact of injury severity on depression? Evidence from a cross-sectional survey. Published in EUPHA conference proceedings: Eur J Public Health, 2011: (21; sup.1): 246. Abstract available here.
Oprescu, F., Cherecheş, RM, Rus, D., Sirlincan, E.O, & Peek-Asa, C. 2010. Perspectives on pediatric injuries in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Psychology & Health, 2010, 25:S1, 137 – 376 DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2010.502762. The abstract is available here.
Cherecheş, RM, Rus, D, Ajtai, N, Şirlincan, EO. 2010. Traffic Injury Prevention in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Published in World Safety Conference Proceedings: Inj Prev 2010,16: A147 10.1136/ip.2010.029215.528. Abstract available here.
Chereches RM, Baba CO, Rus D, Ajtai N, Sirlincan EO. Environmental measures for traffic injuries prevention. GIS methodology. Published in EUPHA conference proceedings: Eur J Public Health. 2010: (20; Sup.1): 259. Abstract available here.
Rus, D, Cherecheş, RM, Oprescu, FI, Dirle, IA, Peek-Asa, C, Stromquist, A – Backyard farm injuries assessment in rural area of Cluj county, Romania. Published in Word Safety Conference Proceedings: Inj Prev 2010, 16:A147. The abstract is available here.
Oprescu, FI, Cherecheş, RM, Rus, D, Şirlincan, EO, Peek-Asa, C. – Pediatric trauma registries are valuable: preliminary results from a Romanian IDB pilot. Published in World Safety Conference Proceedings Inj Prev 2010;16:A208 doi:10.1136/ip.2010.029215.741. The abstract is available here.
Conference presentations
Pitch presentation: European Public Health Association Conference 2015 (EUPHA), Milan, Italy. D Rus, F Jurchis, E Baragan, R Chereches, C Peek-Asa, F Mocean. Child safety restrain usage in Romania – an observational study design.
Poster presentation: European Public Health Association Conference 2015(EUPHA), Milan, Italy. E Baragan, D Rus, R Chereches, D Trif. An environmental scan of child pedestrian injury hotspots in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Poster presentation: European Public Health Association Conference 2014 (EUPHA), Glasgow: D Rus, EA Baragan, IA Duse, C Brinza, RM Chereches, C Peek-Asa, F Mocean. Passengers’ safety: differences among front seat and back seat occupants in a pilot study conducted in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Poster presentation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu Days, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: D Rus, F Jurchis, EA Baragan, RM Chereches, C Baba, F Mocean. Injury surveillance in Romania. JAMIE Project.
Poster Presentation, Child2025: Child Health Research, the Key to a Healthier European Society Conference 2013, Dublin, Ireland: Rus D, Bărăgan AE, Cherecheş RM, Marton-Vasarhely EO, Peek-Asa C, Mocean F. Reducing child injuries in car crashes – the need for evidence-based policies for child restraint in Romania
Oral presentation: International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention, Zenica, Bosnia & Hertegovina: Rus D, Bărăgan AE, Cherecheş RM, Marton-Vasarhely EO, Peek-Asa C, Mocean F, Reducing child injuries in car crashes – the need for evidence-based policies for child restraint in Romania
Oral presentation: Andrada E. Bărăgan MA, Daniel V. McGehee, Iarina E. Devos, Diana Rus- International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention, 12 – 15 September 2013, Bosnia & Herzegovina – A Comparative Analysis of Prehospital Emergency Medical Services.
Oral presentation: 11th Global Conference Violence: Probing the boundaries, May 9-11 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. Authors: Timofe M.P., Rus D., Daniciuc E., Chereches R.M. The role of local stakeholders in dealing with intimate partner violence. Case study: Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Poster presentation DocMed 1 Conference, Decembrie 2013, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: D Rus, EA Baragan, RM Chereches, F Mocean. Epidemiology of road traffic injuries treated in a large Romanian Emergency Department.
Oral presentation: Dușe A. Ioana MA, Rus Diana PhD(c), Suciu Alexandru MA(c), Cherecheș M. Răzvan MD, PhD – International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention 2013, Bosnia & Hertegovina (11-16 September, 2013) – Assessing Regional Differences of Occupational Morbidity Patterns between 2005 and 2011, in Romania.
Oral presentation: Dușe A. Ioana MA, Rus Diana PhD(c), Suciu Alexandru MA(c), Cherecheș M. Răzvan MD, PhD – International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention 2013, Bosnia & Hertegovina (11-16 September, 2013) – Assessing Regional Differences of Occupational Morbidity Patterns between 2005 and 2011, in Romania.
Poster presentation: Dușe Ioana Alexandra, Diana Rus, Alexandru Suciu, Răzvan Cherecheș, Ovidiu Tiberiu Nagy, Cătălin Baba – 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux, France, 16-21 July, 2013 – A five year assessment of physical and psychological burden of occupational morbidity in Romania.
Poster presentation: World Safety Conference 2012, Wellington, New Zealand: Rus D, Bărăgan EA, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheş RM, Mocean F. Improving Road Traffic Injury Surveillance Using Data Linkage: A pilot project in Mures County, Romania
Poster presentation: European Public Health Association Conference 2012 (EUPHA), St. Julian’s, Malta: Rus D, Bărăgan EA, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Cherecheş RM, Mocean F. Improving Road Traffic Injury Surveillance Using Data Linkage: A pilot project in Mures County, Romania
Poster presentation: Dușe, Ioana Alexandra, Rus Diana, Cherecheș M. Răzvan, Baba Cătălin – 140th American Public Health Association Conference (APHA) Annual Meeting (October 27 – October 31, 2012) in San Francisco, CA – Risk Assessment of Backyard Injuries in Farm-Workers – Health and Safety Implications in Agricultural Settings in Cluj County Romania.
Poster presentation: Dușe I.A., Suciu A., Rus D., Cherecheș R.M. – 5th European Public Health Association – All inclusive public health, Portomaso, St. Jullian’s, Malta – Magnitute and Trends of Injuries in Occupational Settings between 2001-2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Oral presentation: Ioana Alexandra Dușe, Diana Rus, Márton-Vásárhelyi Emanuela, Răzvan Cherecheș, Cătălin Baba- International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention (ICTIP). Reducing the burden of Injury in Bosnia& Herzegovina, September 5th-8th, 2012 Zenica, Bosnia-Hertegovina – Assessing the burden of workplace injuries in Romania: changing trends in occupational settings between 2005-2010.
Oral presentation: Ioana-Alexandra Duse, D.Rus, R. Chereches, C.Baba, 26th European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 21st -25th, 2012 – Occupational Injury Surveillance System in Romania – The changing dynamics of work-related accidents between 2001-2010.
Oral presentation: International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention 2012, Zenica, Bosnia & Hertegovina: Rus D, Baragan AE, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Chereches RM, Mocean F. Injury characteristics and outcome of road traffic crash victims treated in a large Emergency Department
Oral presentation: International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention 2012, Zenica, Bosnia & Hertegovina: Rus D, Chereches RM, Baragan AE, Baba C, Mocean F. Geocoding as a tool to prevent traffic injuries: A pilot study implemented in Cluj County, Romania
Oral presentation: Sandu P, Timofe M P, Rus D, Marton-Vasarhelyi O E , Chereches R M, Baba C – International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention 2012, Zenica, Bosnia &Hertegovina – Fall related injuries in elderly. Evidence from a large Emergency Department in Mures County, Romania – oral presentation
Oral presentation: Timofe M.P., Rus D., Marton-Vasarhelyi E.O., Cherecheș R.M – Public Health and Social Services: Education and Practice Conference, June 2012, Tbilisi, Georgia – Lack of legislation on violence against people with disabilities. Case study: Romania.
Oral presentation: Timofe M.P., Rus D., Marton-Vasarhelyi E.O., Cherecheș R.M -Summer Institute on the Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases in Romania: Identifying and mapping capacity building needs and opportunities, May 17-18 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – The role of local stakeholders in dealing with intimate partner violence. Case study: Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Poster presentation: European Public Health Association Conference 2011 (EUPHA), Copenhaga: Rus D, Litan C, Cherecheş RM, Rus IA, Baba CO. How significant is the impact of injury severity on depression? Evidence from a cross-sectional survey
Poster presentation: Rus D, Sirlincan EO, Chereches RM, Baba CO – 3rd European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, 16-17 June, 2011 Budapest/Gödöllo – Injury Surveillance System in Romania.
Poster presentation: Chereches RM, Rus D, Sirlincan EO, Baba CO – 3rd European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, 16-17 June, 2011 Budapest/Gödöllo – Geocoding as a tool to prevent road traffic injuries.
Poster presentation: Gal M, Rus D, Peek-Asa C, Chereches RM, Sirlincan EO, Boeriu C, Baba CO – 3rd European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, 16-17 June, 2011 Budapest/Gödöllo – Epidemiology of Assault and Self-Harm Injuries Treated in a Large Romanian Emergency Department.
Poster presentation: World Safety Conference 2010, London, UK: Rus, D, Cherecheş, RM, Oprescu, FI, Dirle, IA, Peek-Asa, C, Stromquist, A. Backyard farm injuries assessment in rural area of Cluj county, Romania.
Poster presentation: World Safety Conference 2010, London, UK: Cherecheş, RM, Rus, D, Ajtai, N, Şirlincan, EO. Traffic Injury Prevention in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Poster presentation: World Safety Conference 2010, London, UK: Oprescu, FI, Cherecheş, RM, Rus, D, Şirlincan, EO, Peek-Asa, C. Pediatric trauma registries are valuable: preliminary results from a Romanian IDB pilot
Poster presentation: European Public Health Association Conference 2010 (EUPHA), Amsterdam, Netherlands: Chereches RM, Baba CO, Rus D, Ajtai N, Sirlincan EO. Environmental measures for traffic injuries prevention. GIS methodology.
Poster presentation: European Health Psychology Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Oprescu, F., Cherecheş, RM, Rus, D., Sirlincan, E.O, & Peek-Asa, C. Perspectives on pediatric injuries in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Cluj School of Public Health partner in #SaveKidsLives
Cluj School of Public Health in partnership with Cluj County Police Inspectorate organized a child passengers’ safety raising awareness week to inform parents on how to properly use child safety restraints. Parents received leaflets with a checklist that will guide them on how to choose child seats and booster seats appropriate for their children’s height and weight and encourage them to look for more information on our websites. The activities are part of the Third UN Week for Road Safety, May 4-10, 2015.
Link with the pictures from the event in Cluj-Napoca are available here.
Cluj School of Public Health a organizat, în parteneriat cu Inspectoratul de Poliție Județean Cluj, Serviciul Rutier o campanie de educație rutieră cu privire la siguranța copiilor ca și pasageri ai autovehiculelor. Scopul evenimentului este de a informa părinții despre utilizarea corespunzătoare a sistemelor de siguranță auto pentru copiii pasageri. Părinții au primit un pliant informativ cu recomandări care să îi ajute să aleagă scaunul sau înălțătorul auto corespunzător, în funcție de înălțimea și greutatea copilului. Activitățile au fost parte a Săptămânii Siguranței Rutiere la nivel Global – #SaveKidsLives din perioada 4-10 Mai 2015.
Cluj School of Public Health supporter of Keep Caps from Kids: A Child Safety Campaign Engaging Parents on Safe Use of Liquid Laundry Detergent Capsules
Cluj School of Public Health and European Child Safety Alliance support the “Keep Caps from Kids” campaign for Liquid Laundry Detergent Capsules. This campaign is a voluntary initiative of A.I.S.E. – International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products and aims at securing the safe use and storage of liquid laundry detergent capsules and so reducing significantly the incidents involving small children due to accidental exposure to these products.
Liquid laundry detergent capsules are products to help you use just the right amount of detergent for your washing needs – they are used daily by millions of consumers. Whilst they are safe when used as intended as outlined on the product package, please store them in a safe place before and after use and always keep them out of reach of children. The companies placing these products on the market take your safety very seriously and guidance on their packs is provided in order to guarantee the safe use of their products for your family. A.I.S.E. has developed an online platform to prevent these risks, both in case of exposure as well in case of emergency.
Find more about the “Keep Caps from Kids” campaign here.
Împreună cu European Child Safety Alliance sprijinim campania paneuropeană „Nu lăsaţi capsulele la îndemâna copiilor”, o inițiativă A.I.S.E. – Asociația Internațională pentru Săpunuri, Detergenți și Produse de Întreținere. Campania are ca scop promovarea utilizării în condiții de siguranță a capsulelor de detergent de rufe din Europa, pentru a reduce riscul de intoxicare la copii.
Capsulele de detergent lichid pentru rufe sunt produse pentru a vă ajuta să utilizaţi cantitatea de detergent optimă pentru necesitățile dvs. de spălare a rufelor – ele sunt utilizate zilnic de către milioane de consumatori. Deși sunt sigure atunci când sunt utilizate corect, așa cum se precizează pe ambalajul produsului, vă rugăm să le depozitați într-un loc sigur, înainte și după utilizare, și să nu le lăsaţi niciodată la îndemâna copiilor. Companiile care plasează aceste produse pe piață tratează cu toată seriozitatea siguranța dumneavoastră, iar instrucțiunile de pe ambalaje sunt furnizate pentru a garanta utilizarea sigură a produselor lor în familia dvs.
A.I.S.E. a creat o platformă online atat de prevenție pentru aceste riscuri, dar și de intervenție în cazul în care expunerea a avut deja loc.
Children’s Safety
Cluj School of Public Health offers various safety classes for parents, grandparents, caregivers and for anyone interested in children’s safety. The classes are focused on:
Potentially dangerous products for children
Home safety
Traffic safety
Leisure safety
Pictures taken at the first class on “Potentially dangerous products for children”, delivered on April 25, 2015
More information will be soon available here.
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